Pentaho Tools :

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Thursday, 21 April 2016

Back to Basics on Dual Axes Line Chart example in Pentaho CDE

Its been again longtime I wrote something useful that I explored in  Pentaho or Pentaho Ctools.

Thank you Tharun for making me look back into the basics again. Here is the use case we together explored with foodmart sample data.

Use Case : 
Get 2 lines for Y1- Axis : storecost, storesales
Get 2 lines for Y2- Axis : unitsales, profit

This example is explained step by step in the presentation attached to this post. (Please look at download section).

I hope it will be useful if you have the similar kind of functionality.

Sample screenshots of the presentation : 

Image -1 : Please click on image to get best view
Image-2 : Sample output : please click on image to get best view

Download :
1) Presentation
2) Example : Works on foodmart db.

NOTE : Presentation is password protected. Please send me a request to have a copy of it. 

Click me to download 


1 comment:

  1. could you send me the password to open the Presentation please
