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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Charts CGG Component example in Pentaho CDE


This tutorial helps you in understanding Charts CGG Component.

More About CGG :

 Webdetails says about CGG
Open up an existing CDE Dashboard in Edit Mode and press the keyboard shortcut "Shift + G". This will prompt a popup, where you can choose which charts in the Dashboard you want to render as CGG charts.
When you save the Dashboard, CGG will generate a JavaScript file for each chart chosen in the popup, and will save it in your Pentaho Solution directory. Those JavaScript files are, basically, CCC chart definitions.

Example : Explanation  with  2 dashboards
1 is for regular dashboard and another is for CGG images dashboard.
Software Environment :
1) Pentaho BA 6.1 CE Server
2) Ctools

Dashboard-1 : 

Lets assume you have below shown dashboard
Open the dashboard in Edit mode and press Shift+G, it will open a pop window.

Observe the generated JS files in the location where the dashboard is saved, for example.

Dashboard-2 :

Design the layout and take two CGG components from CCC Charts as shown below  and give
Cgg path for the Js files generated in dashboard-1

Cgg path for Pie chart in Dashboard-1 : public/test/1_chartPie.js
Cgg path for Dot chart in Dashboard-2 : public/test/2_chartDot.js

NOTE : Cgg Path = Path of generated JS files 

(it can be done in single dashboard also)

(Click the image)

2nd Dashboard Preview : (Click on the image)

#) In 2nd dash board it is not required define any query components.  
#) 2nd dash board will render the SVG images generated in 1st dashboard and get the image looks like dashboard view. 

Download :
Dashboard-1  & Dashboard-2 :
Click Me 
Upload the two zip files to Public folder and run PostgreSQL foodmart database in your environment (or change the connections and queries as per your environment).

References :

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