Pentaho Tools :

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Learn how to create and use Templates in Pentaho CDE

This tutorial teach you how to create & use templates in Pentaho CDE.

Why templates ? 
Templates are pre-defined structure of basic reports/a dashboard.
Whenever you have similar structure for some 4 or 5 dashboards in a project and if you use template you can faster the development time.

Pentaho CDE templates can include Layout, components and Data sources. In simple terms if you save a dashboard as template it will available in "My Templates" section.

Click on this image:

Lets see how to convert a dashboard as a template and use it in a new dashboard creation.

Steps to create a dashboard and convert it as Template
1) File -> New -> CDE dashboard
2) Now, lets layout the dashboard (that we will save as template) as shown in below image
3) Lets define data source connections in "Data source sections" as shown in below image
4) Save the dashboard in some folder in repository and see the preview of the dashboard and the sample is some thing similar to the one shown below.

(Please click on Image for best view)
5) Making dashboard as template 
a) Click on "Save as Template" as shown in below image
b) It will open a popup window. Fill the name, title and check the components and data sources.

c) Now, this saved template "Template_sadakar_sample_2" will be available in "My Templates" section.

6) Applying Template ( Checking whether the template is available or not )
#) click on "Apply" template button.
#) From the opened popup, click on "My Templates" button as shown below

#) Now chose the template created and click on "OK" button.
#) Click on "OK" button..

#) Save the dashboard that is being applied with above template.

This way one can work with templates in CDE editor. I hope it helps some one.!


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