Pentaho Tools :

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Monday, 8 February 2016

CCC Charts basic & Advanced Properties in Pentaho CDE - How to Guide ? (PPT)

Hi Folks,

CCC charts in CDE has got many properties. I have written a how to guide(PPT presentation) on it.
I hope you will find it useful for quick understanding and how to use them on charts to have more interactive visualizations.

This guide will helpful to you start with basic then move on to complex areas of properties. 

Below is a sample screenshot of the presentation, to read more about it download the presentation.

NOTE : This presentation has some 4 to 5 slides, collecting more properties with examples and will update the PPT. You can find updated date and what will be added after first line of this post in future. 

** Click on Images to get the best view of the content placed

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 Download section : 
Click Me 

NOTE: Presentations are password protected, please send a request to have a copy.
Thank you :-) :-) 

1 comment:

  1. What do I have to do to get the password of the presentation?
