Pentaho Tools :

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Wednesday, 5 August 2015

CST - Community Startup Tabs in Pentaho 5.4 CE - Example : User based dashboard access on logging

This post is a workout on how CST(Community Statup tabs) works with Pentaho CE BA server.

Documentation from webdetails site has been put in below PPT for easy and quick understanding with an example.

(You may not find new information in PPT but you may quick understand the usage of the plug-in once you gone through the presentation).

Software used :
Pentaho BA Server 5.4 CE, C-Tools 15.x version (CDE,CDF,CDA,CGG and CST).

CST allows you to set which tabs will automatically load when a particular user logs into the PUC.

1) User based
2) Role based
3) Default rules.

Notice that the example in presentation is based on Userbased access for dashboards in a project folder called "Dashboards". (no roles are created for this example).


Quick Snapshot : ( Click the images to get the best view of the content )

References : 

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