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Monday, 4 July 2016

Tip : Install Virtual Machine Disk file (Or .vmdk file ) in Oracle Virtual Box


This post will talk about the installation of .vmdk file in Oracle Virtual Box.

Environment tested :
1) Guest : Windows 10 64 Bit
2) Host : Cent OS 6.5 Final (.vmdk file)

Steps :
1) Download and install Oracle Virtual Box in windows from below link

2) After the installation, you will get a short cut key for the installed Virtual box on desktop.

3) Double click on it to open the V.B and then click on "New" rounded button.

4) It will open a small pop-up window, fill the options as shown below and click on "Next" button.
   name = sadakar
   Type = Linux
   Version = Debian(64 bit)

5) Give memory size = 2GB and click on Next button.
6) In next window ( Hard disk) , out of 3 radio buttons, select "Use an existing virtual hard disk file" and browse for the .vmdk file in the directory system then click on Create.

7) This will create the Cent OS operating system which already in the form OS into Virtual Box.

I hope it helps some one.

References :

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