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Sunday, 19 July 2015

Tip : Pentaho CDA : Error Listing Queries : Observation in CDE & CDA

This post is a test outcome on how queries and its connections works in pentaho CDE.

Problem found : Error Listing Queries
I have created 3 new queries of connection types JDBC(sql over sqljdbc). I have not provided any connection details for 1st and 3rd queries but provided all the details username, password and URL for 2nd query.

When I previewed the queries keeping above as thy are, using CDA editor, it has not listed out the queries and shown me "Error Listing Queries". 

 Solution : 
I had tested the username, password and URL in some other database client tools. Every thing working fine but it is not listing the queries in CDA. Just removed the 1st and last query and tested again. I didn't find the magic behind it but worked fine. Now, it listed the query and able to see the output.

So, I think, the order of queries with connections providing plays important role while working with CDE dashboards.  

- Sadakar Pochampalli

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sadakar,

    I had the same problem. When doing some tests, I identified that this error occurs when special characters are used in the name of the CDA file. In spanish we use accent marks and that causes errors.
