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Monday, 17 July 2017

Jenkins : Create a first build of a Simple Java Program Stored in GitHub in Jenkins

This post talks about how to build a jenkins job using simple java program that is pulled from Github.

Technology Stack :
1) Jenkins
2) GitHub
3) Git Client

1) Create a new repository in GitHub  (Assuming you have a GitHub account)

2) Give repository a name : Say > JavaHelloWorld

3) Observe few commands at newly created repository on below image.
We use add, commit, push commands to send a file to GitHub

4)  (Assuming git client is installed)
Create a folder in D drive say : D:\JavaHelloWorld and put the program and a batch file say run.batch  in which we write javac and java commands to execute the program

Now do gitbash to  add, commit and push the 2 files.

git add
git commit -m "Commiting Java Hello World Program - first"
git push -u origin master

 repeat the same for file (this is added after pushing the JavaHelloWorld file)

5) Start Jenkins in your environment  and build a new project as shown in below
6) Copy/Clone the URL of github

 7) In Jenkins Source Code Management tab provide the gitURL and provide credentails of your github as shown below

8) In Build Triggers tab provide the batch code to run the example. 
In this example, the code is written in run.bat file to execute the hello world program 

 9) Now, click on build project as shown below
9) See the execution log on Console output. 

 10) Navigate to see where the pulled git code stored internally in the OS drive.